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HP EPIC 10-10-1 Base VCX Software Package

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EPIC 10-10-1 Base VCX Software Package
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Pregled proizvoda: 59302
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Informacije izmijenjene na: 07 Mar 2024 15:34:52
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Dugačko ime proizvoda HP EPIC 10-10-1 Base VCX Software Package :
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HP EPIC 10-10-1 Base VCX Software Package
HP EPIC 10-10-1 Base VCX Software Package:
Službeni marketinški tekst %% title %% koji je dostavio proizvođač

The HP EPICCenter Contact Center Software for VCX Solutions Series lets organizations offer their customers comprehensive multimedia capabilities that enhance contact choices while providing fully managed, auditable communications
sessions. The solution easily integrates with business application databases so that contact center agents can view relevant information—including recent business history—while speaking on the phone with a customer.
EPICCenter Contact Center software also supports outbound dialing, which allows call responses and call initiation by agents. It also helps contact center managers enhance agent time and contact center use by proactively placing calls for campaigns or follow-up communications.
The base package includes EPICCenter Engine for establishing call-routing rules, EPICCenter Administration for creating contact center profiles and parameters, and EPICCenter Visor for supervising the center and generating management information.


• Expanded management flexibility for remote workers: allows a supervisor to activate a station from a remote location, either through the WAN or the Internet, so that managers can work from home or from alternate office locations; remote management also lets consultants enter the system to monitor the organization’s work

Additional information

• Lower costs, increased revenue per agent: using supervisory monitoring as a training tool, agents can be taught asthey work. Relevant learning experiences decrease training time andincrease effectiveness. In addition, statistics culled from real-time dataproduce actionable intelligence, helping managers better deploy agents,removing or adding them to a shift as needed. Hold times are alsoreduced leading to increased call completions, and by extension, highercaptured revenue.

Technical features

• Intelligent routing capabilities: EPIC Engine software uses information from initial caller contact to help ensure calls are handled by an agent best able to respond to a customer’s needs; an easy-to-use GUI interface is available to configure routing rulesand priorities designed to provide the best use of available resources while improving customer service


• Enhanced customer service: IVR system portal: lets automated voice prompts/menus and caller input be used to define the requirements of incoming calls, retrieve data from an external database, and provide voice messages to callers waiting in queue and call back. Options to ease caller waiting: provide options, including announcement of the predicted wait time, music or organization-relevant announcements, or option via IVR to request a call back from an agent.

User productivity

• Increased agent productivity: HP EPICCenter Agent provides contact center workers with an intuitive,Windows®-based on-screen toolbar that can be customized by an administratorto include the most frequently used features; because minimal screenspace is required by the application, agents can simultaneously viewmultiple PC applications, including tools such as CRM applications thatare native to the contact center

Voice functionality

• Extended value with inbound and outbound activities: EPICCenter software also supports blended routing that lets agents generate outbound calls to contacts

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HP EPIC 10-10-1 Base VCX Software Package

Dugački sažetak HP EPIC 10-10-1 Base VCX Software Package:
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HP EPIC 10-10-1 Base VCX Software Package